MQTT Mosquitto Installation in Microsoft Windows

The following installation instructions are for mosquitto MQTT, version 2.0.12 64-bit, in a Microsoft Windows environment. If you need to install a different version of MQTT software, consult the relevant installation instructions.


Installing the MQTT Broker

Configuring Usernames and Passwords


Creating Encrypted Password File

Deleting Users from the Encrypted Password File

Configuring mosquitto.conf to Use the Encrypted Password File

Creating Self-Signed Certificate


Installing OpenSSL and Setting up Environment Variables 

Creating the Self-Signed Certificate and Keys

Create a Certificate Authority (CA) key pair 

Create a CA certificate and use the ca.key to sign it

Create a server key pair for use by the broker

Create a broker certificate request

Use the CA certificate to sign the broker certificate request

Edit the mosquitto.conf file

Import a Self-Signed Certificate to a Windows Host

Unsecured connection

Related Links for Additional Information 


Installing the MQTT Broker

To install the mosquitto MQTT Broker: 

  1. Download the mosquitto-2.0.12-install-windows-x64.exe file from

  2. Go to the directory where you downloaded the file. Double-click mosquitto-2.0.12-install-windows-x64.msi.  

  3. Follow the Eclipse Mosquitto Setup wizard prompts and accept all defaults. 

  4. If Microsoft Visual C++ is not installed, it will be installed for you as part of the mosquitto installation. Click Accept to accept the license terms, and then click Install

  5. In your desktop, open the Microsoft Services application. Check to see that “Mosquitto Broker” is in “Running” Status with “Automatic” Startup type. If Status is empty, click Start. The mosquitto Broker will automatically start after every system reboot. 

Configuring Usernames and Passwords 

The following instructions and examples are for the mosquitto MQTT Broker on a Microsoft Windows, 64-bit platform. Other MQTT brokers will have different instructions, configuration, importing credentials, and so forth. 


  • The device must have firmware version 2.29x or newer.

  • Microsoft Windows 64-bit operating system

Creating Encrypted Password File 

In the FAI Lite scenario, both the devices and the Agent are the clients of the broker. Therefore, the Agent and each device needs its own username and password.  Do the following steps:

  1. In the C:\etc folder, create a simple text file with each user’s username and password, one for each line. Separate the username and password with a colon as shown below: 

  2. Configure the credentials for your devices by using the AyyekaGo mobile app. 

    1. For every device, do the following steps: 

        • Click Cellular Settings > MQTT SERVER ADDRESS

        • In the MQTT Server Address window, type in the username and password of the device that will connect to the MQTT Broker. 

    b.   Click My Devices, and then click the Export icon. A list of devices is shown.

    c.   Click EXPORT. Select which app to use for export. For example, you might use Gmail to send the export file to yourself.

    d.   In the MQTT Broker platform, open the export file, and then copy the usernames and passwords as described in step 1 into the password file.   

    3.   Update the password file as needed.

      • Encrypt the entire password file. Go to the directory where mosquitto was installed (by default, C:\Program Files\mosquitto).
                    Command: mosquitto_passwd.exe -U name_of_passwordfile 

           Notice that all passwords are now encrypted. 

      • Encrypt the password of only the first user. 

    Command: mosquitto_passwd.exe -c name_of_passwordfile the_first_user   

    In our example, the_first_user is steve. 

    You will be prompted to enter a password for the_first_user. 

    Note: The password that you type in is not echoed, so it looks like it is not being accepted - but it is. 
      • After adding the first user and password, you can add additional users. 

    Command: mosquitto_passwd -b name_of_passwordfile the_next_user password 

     4.   After updating the password file, restart the MQTT broker by using the Microsoft Windows Services application. 

    Deleting Users from the Encrypted Password File 

    If needed, you can remove individual users from the password file.  

    Command: mosquitto_passwd -D name_of_passwordfile user_to_be_deleted 


    Configuring mosquitto.conf to Use the Encrypted Password File 

    You must configure mosquitto.conf file to use the encrypted password file. Do the following steps: 

    1. Copy the password file into a separate folder. For example, copy the file into C:\etc\mosquitto\. 

    If you use a different directory, ensure that there are no spaces in the directory path, such as in  C:\Program Files\mosquitto\passwordfile”. 

       2.   Edit the mosquitto.conf file to use the password file. Do the following steps:

      • Set allow_anonymous to false
      • Set the password_file path

    The password file must not have an extension, such as “.txt”.   

    For example: 

    allow_anonymous false 

    password_file C:/etc/passwordfile 

       3.   Edit the mosquitto.conf file for communication. Do the following steps, as needed:

    Note: mosquitto v1.5 authentication is no longer a global setting. It can be configured on a per listener basis.  You must enable the per_listener_settings setting. 



    The configuration in mosquitto.conf for only secure communication will be: 


    # It is recommended to have secure communication, so the listener is set to 8883
    listener 8883
    allow_anonymous false 
    password_file C:/etc/passwordfile 

     Note: If you set listener to 8883, you must embed the certificates. See Edit the mosquitto.conf file below for an example. 


        4.   After updating the configuration or the password file, restart the mosquitto Broker service by using the Microsoft Windows Services application. 


    For additional information about configuring the password file, see   

    It is recommended that you use the enterprise's signed certificate. Consult your IT department for instructions about how to use it. In this case, you can now go directly to the Edit the mosquitto.conf file section below. 

    Alternatively, you can create a self-signed certificate and use that for verification. In this case, continue to the "Creating Self-Signed Certificate” section below. 


    Creating Self-Signed Certificate 


    • Microsoft Windows 64-bit operating system 

    • Microsoft Visual C++ 

      Installing OpenSSL and Setting up Environment Variables 

      Before you create the self-signed certificate, you must install OpenSSL and set up environment variables. Do the following steps: 

      1. Download OpenSSL. Use the version for Win64 rather than the Lite version.

      2. Run the OpenSSL Installer. 

        If Microsoft Visual C++ is not installed, the installer will download and install it for you. Run the OpenSSL Installer again and follow the wizard steps. 

           3.   Set up system environment variables.  

        The environment variables must be set so that OpenSSL functions properly on your system. You need to set OPENSSL_CONF and Path environment variables. Do either of the following steps: 

          • To set environment variables for the current session only, do the following commands at the command line prompt: 

            • set OPENSSL_CONF=C:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64\bin\openssl.cfg 

            • set Path=%Path%;C:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64\bin 

          • To set environment variables permanently, do the following commands:  

            1. In the system tray, press the Search icon, and then type in environment. 

            2. Select Edit the system environment variables. The System Properties window opens. 

            3. Click the Advanced tab, and then click Environment Variables.  

            4.  In the System variables section, click New.  

            5. In the New System Variable window, set the following variables: 

                      • set OPENSSL_CONF to be C:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64\bin\openssl.cfg  

                      • Set Path to be C:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64\bin 

                   4.   Click OK to close the New System Variable window, and then click OK to close the Environment Variables window. 

                   5.   Click OK to close the System Properties window.  

                Note: The changes that you made will take effect only when the window closes, and you open a new command prompt. 


                Creating the Self-Signed Certificate and Keys 

                Create the self-signed certificate and keys by doing the following steps at the command line prompt:  

                Please note that the self-signed certificate files will be created in the folder where the openssl commands will be run from.

                1. Create a Certificate Authority (CA) key pair. 

                  Command: openssl genrsa -des3 -out ca.key 2048  

                  Generating RSA private key, 2048-bit long modulus (2 primes) 



                  e is 65537 (0x010001) 

                  Enter pass phrase for ca.key: 

                  Verifying - Enter pass phrase for ca.key: 
                  The purpose of the pass phrase is to encrypt the private key. To use an encrypted key, the pass phrase is also needed. In a way, they are two separate factors of authentication.                Tip: Write down the pass phrase (pay attention to case) because you will need it when you sign the ca.crt and server.crt certificates.
                2. Create a CA certificate and use the ca.key to sign it.

                  Command: openssl req -new -x509 -days 1826 -key ca.key -out ca.crt 

                  Enter pass phrase for ca.key: 
                  You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated into your
                  certificate request.
                  What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
                  There are quite a few fields, but you can leave some blank
                  For some fields there will be a default value,
                  If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
                  Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:US
                  State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]: California
                  Locality Name (e.g., city) []: San Diego
                  Organization Name (e.g., company) [Internet Widgets Pty Ltd]: Widgets
                  Organizational Unit Name (e.g., section) []: RND
                  Common Name (e.g., server FQDN or YOUR name) []: Widgets
                  Email Address []:

                  The directory now has the following files: 

                         08/17/2021 11:51 AM 1,348 ca.crt 

                         08/17/2021 11:50 AM 1,773 ca.key

                3. Create a server key pair for use by the broker.

                  Command: openssl genrsa -out server.key 2048 

                  Generating RSA private key, 2048-bit long modulus (2 primes) 
                  e is 65537 (0x010001)

                  The directory now has the following files: 

                       08/17/2021 11:51 AM 1,348 ca.crt 

                       08/17/2021 11:50 AM 1,773 ca.key 

                       08/17/2021 11:52 AM 1,702 server.key 

                4. Create a broker certificate request.

                  When filling out the form, the Common Name is important and is usually the full domain name of the server, the IP address, or the Microsoft Windows name of the computer that is running the mosquitto broker. You must use the same name when configuring the client connection.  

                  Command: openssl req -new -out server.csr -key server.key 

                  You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated 
                  into your certificate request.
                  What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
                  There are quite a few fields, but you can leave some blank
                  For some fields there will be a default value,
                  If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.


                  Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:US 
                  State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:California
                  Locality Name (e.g., city) []: San Diego
                  Organization Name (e.g., company) [Internet Widgets Pty Ltd]:Widgets 
                  Organizational Unit Name (e.g., section) []:RND
                  Common Name (e.g., server FQDN or YOUR name) []:
                  Email Address []:
                  Please enter the following 'extra' attributes to be sent with your certificate request
                  A challenge password []:widget
                  An optional company name []:widget


                5. Use the CA certificate to sign the broker certificate request.

                  Use the CA key to verify and sign the server certificate. This step creates the server.crt file.   

                  Command:  openssl x509 -req -in server.csr -CA ca.crt -CAkey ca.key -CAcreateserial -out server.crt -days 360 

                  Signature ok 
                  subject=C = US, ST = California, L = San Diego, O = widgets, OU = RND,
                  CN =
                  Getting CA Private Key
                  Enter pass phrase for ca.key:
                  Note: If you get the message:  
                       unable to load CA Private Key
                       13592:error:06065064:digital envelope routines:EVP_DecryptFinal_ex:bad decrypt:crypto\evp\evp_enc.c:610:13592:error:0906A065:PEM routines:PEM_do_header:bad decrypt:crypto\pem\pem_lib.c:461:

                  It means that you did not enter the pass phrase for ca.key correctly. Run the openssl command again, and then type in the correct pass phrase. 

                  The directory now has the following files:  

                       08/17/2021 11:54 AM 1,364 ca.crt 

                       08/17/2021 11:53 AM 1,781 ca.key 

                       08/17/2021 11:55 AM      42 

                       08/17/2021 11:55 AM 1,240 server.crt 

                       08/17/2021 11:55 AM 1,088 server.csr 

                       08/17/2021 11:54 AM 1,702 server.key 

                Edit the mosquitto.conf File

                1.    Edit the configuration file to use the following parameters and their values:
                per_listener_settings true 
                listener 8883 

                allow_anonymous false
                password_file c:\Users\...\Certificates\passtest.txt

                protocol mqtt
                certfile c:\Users\...\Certificates\server.crt

                keyfile c:\Users\...\Certificates\server.key

                require_certificate false

                cafile c:\Users\...\Certificates\ca.crt

                use_identity_as_username false

                log_dest file c:\mosquitto\mosquitto.log

                log_type error
                log_type warning
                log_type notice
                log_type information
                # the following setting should be added manually after the logs settings
                log_type all

                connection_messages true

                # the following seeing must added at the end of the file
                tls_version tlsv1.2

                2.    After updating the mosquitto.conf file, restart the MQTT broker through the Microsoft Windows Services application. For details about parameters and syntax in the mosquitto.conf file, see mosquitto.conf man page


                Import a Self-Signed Certificate to a Windows Host

                 If you defined the listener in the mosquitto.conf file for unsecured communication, skip this step. 

                If the listener uses secure communication, you must add the self-signed certificate (ca.crt) to the Windows repository. Do the following steps: 

                1. On your Windows desktop, click Start Run MMC. The Microsoft Management Console opens. 

                2. Click File, and then select Add / Remove Snap In

                3. From the list of available snap-ins, select Certificates, and then click Add

                4. In the Certificates snap-in window, select Computer Account, and then click Next

                5. In the Select Computer window, select Local Computer, and then click Finish.

                6. Click OK to exit the Snap-In window. 

                7. Click [+] next to Certificates > Trusted Root Certification Authorities

                  8.   Right-click Certificates, and then select All Tasks > Import. The Certificate Import Wizard window opens. Follow the wizard prompts. The self-signed certificate is now trusted by all users. 


                If you see the following error from self-signed certificates in the log: 

                2021-09-09 15:24:40.252 +03:00 [WRN] MQTT: TLS certificate has policy errors. RevocationStatusUnknown:  The revocation function was unable to check revocation for the certificate.
                2021-09-09 15:24:40.252 +03:00 [WRN] MQTT: Verify the certificate or ignore by changing the IgnoreCertificateRevocationErrors setting 

                The Agent will not work until you change the Ignore Certificate Revocation Errors check box in the Agent's configuration file or the UI. 



                Unsecured Connection 


                If you need it, you can set the mosquitto.config file to have an unsecured connection 
                We recommend avoiding this kind of configuration. 

                The configuration in mosquitto.conf for only non-secure communication will be: 

                per_listener_settings true 
                # In non-secure communication, the listener is set to 1883
                listener 1883
                allow_anonymous false 
                password_file C:/.../passwordfile.txt

                Related Links for Additional Information