Getting Started with REST API

Secure REST API for Cloud and On-Premise Data Access

Ayyeka provides an REST API Interface that can be used to monitor and manage devices. In order to use REST API your user must be in either one of this permission groups: account or organization owners or administrators.


Table of Contents



Authorization protocol


Set up the REST API

1. Create an API client for the application

2. Get an Access Token for a REST API Call

3. Authenticate with REST API by using the Access Token

Use the API Commands

Date-time Format

Limited Results

HTTP Status Codes 

Testing your REST API Commands by Using Postman REST Client

Examples of Common API Calls





Authentication Server Entity that protects data and validates credentials before authorizing an API Client to take any action on behalf of an end user.
API Client Entity that represents your application and allows use of OAuth2.0 for authentication.
Client Credentials API key and secret for the API Client.
Access Token Token provided by the Authorization Server to the client application to authorize access to data.
grant_type This must be client_credentials.
client_id Your application's API Client Key.
client_secret Your application's API Client Secret.



Ayyeka uses OAuth 2.0 for authentication. After generating an API Client Key and Secret in the UI, submit them to the authentication server to obtain a temporary access token.

  • Access Token: Grants access to Ayyeka Cloud or on-premise data for 60 minutes.
  • API Client Key/Secret: Valid indefinitely.
  • Include the access token in the header of all REST API calls. When the token expires, generate a new one and use it for subsequent calls.

Ayyeka recommends using the Postman platform to test and understand API methods, including the authentication process, before implementing them in your environment.

Authorization Protocol

When a user calls an API function, the system checks their permissions to determine which devices they can manage and whether they are authorized to perform the action.

Ayyeka uses the OAuth 2.0 protocol to securely authorize API client access without sharing your username or password. You can view or revoke authorized API clients in your account settings.

Only the client credentials grant type is supported. For details, see The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework.


1. Basic Knowledge:

  • Familiarity with software development, REST APIs, and the UI is required.

2. Postman Testing:

  • Download and install Postman to test your REST APIs.

3. Permissions:

  • Only Account/Organization Owners or Administrators can generate the API Client Key and Secret.
  • Do not generate keys while logged in with the Partner role.
  • For on-premise systems, do not generate keys as the Admin user; these keys will not work.

4. Swagger Testing: Download and install Swagger if you plan to use it to run your APIs.

5. Account-Specific Keys: Generate separate API Client Keys and Secrets for each Account if running commands in multiple Accounts.

6. Server Type:

  • Use different URLs for the REST API Domain and Authentication Server if your data is stored on an on-premise server instead of Ayyeka Cloud.
  • Refer to the URL table below for correct endpoints.

URL Type 

Data is on the Cloud 

Data is on an On-Premise Server 


Server (for Access Token generation) 

http://<on-premise server IP>:85 /auth /token 


  • You must use "http" and not "https".
  • If the on-premise server is only accessible through the user’s network, then the router/NAT must be configured for port-forwarding. The external port must be mapped to port 85 on the on-premise server. 

REST API Domain 

(for REST API requests) 

http://<on-premise server IP>:85/v2.0 (or /v1.0) 


  • You must use "http" and not "https".
  • If the on-premise server is only accessible through the user’s network, then the router/NAT must be configured for port-forwarding. The external port must be mapped to port 85 on the on-premise server.  



    Set up the REST API 

    1. Create an API Client for the application

      1. Get the API Client Key and Secret by doing the following steps in the UI:

    i.  In the left pane, click API, and then click the API Clients tab.

    ii.  In the API Clients window, click +Generate API Key.

    iii.  In the Generate API Key window, select REST, type in a comment, and then click Generate.

    Important: Save the API Client Key and Secret securely, as the Secret cannot be retrieved later.

              b.   Click Close. The API Clients tab refreshes to display the new API Key in the table.


    2. Get an Access Token for REST API Calls

    To make a REST API call, include the required headers, particularly the Authorization header with an OAuth 2.0 Access Token.

    To obtain an Access Token:

    1. Encode [API_Client_Key]:[API_Secret] in Base64 format. 
    2. Pass it in the Authorization header of a request to the Authentication Server URL.

    Use the Access Token in the Authorization header for all API calls.

    The following figure illustrates the process:
        +---------+                                  +---------------+ 
    : : : :
    : :>-- A - Client Authentication --->: Authorization :
    : Client : : Server :
    : :<-- B ---- Access Token ---------<: :
    : : : :
    +---------+ +---------------+

     Example request: 

    POST /auth/token HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    Cache-Control: no-cache 
    grant_type= client_credentials

    Example response:

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Cache-Control: no-store
    Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
    Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2017 14:36:08 GMT
    Pragma: no-cache
    Content-Length: 231
    Connection: keep-alive

    Example using curl (How to complete the authentication process): 

    curl -X POST \
    -H 'Authorization: Basic MTQ5RjlBQzY4OUNCNEYxNjg1MzQzM0FBMEFFNDRFNUY6ZVBzNEczNT
    -H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
    -H 'Postman-Token: b0ee4f16-ac32-4429-b1e1-c39ee4793444' \
    -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
    -d 'grant_type=client_credentials'

    3. Authenticate with the Access Token 

    With the Access Token from the authorization response, the API client can access the REST API on behalf of the user.

    Key points:

    • Include the header: Authorization: Bearer [token].
    • Handle 403 Forbidden errors, which may indicate the token expired or access was revoked.

    The number of Authorization requests is limited to 15 requests per 15 minutes per key. If you exceed the limit, a warning message is displayed.

    Tip: To prevent hitting the limit, authorize only when the Access Token has expired rather than on every request. Excess token requests have a negative impact on server performance.


    Example request:

    GET /v1.0/site HTTP/1.1
    Host: <Authentication Server URL>
    Cache-Control: no-cache  

    Note that the Authorization:Bearer value is the "access_token" from the previous example response.

    Example response:

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 

    Use the REST API Commands

    In the UI, click API in the left pane , and then select API Documentation > API Reference (v2.0 or v1.0). A list of all REST APIs is documented.

    You can work with the APIs in Swagger. Swagger UI enables you to visualize and interact with the API’s resources without having any of the implementation logic in place.  In the UI, click the  Download a Swagger file link to download the Swagger yaml file to your local environment. Import the yaml file into Swagger.

     - The limit for data requests is 1 million requests within 15 minutes.
     - If you have the Partner role, some API calls might not return any results. 


    Date-time Format 

    The date-time format is yyyy:mm:ddThh:mm:ssZ.  For example, 2015-10-13T18:23:52Z.  

    The “T” separates the date from the time. The “Z” means "zero-hour offset", or also "Zulu time" (UTC). 

    Limited Results

    Some REST API calls limit the number of results that they will retrieve at a time.

    If the query name contains the string "Batch", then the first line of output will be “hasMore: true”. For example, you are testing the call sampleGetSamplesScalarBatchBySite in Postman, and you see the following output:

    To get subsequent results, run sampleGetSamplesScalarBatchBySite as many times as needed to get all of the results.


    Tip: If the query output is too large for a single call, then either narrow your search parameters or contact


    HTTP Status Codes 

    Status Code 





    The API command was completed successfully. 


    Not Modified 

    There was no new data to return. 


    Bad Request 


    The request was invalid or cannot be otherwise served. In 

    API v1.1, requests without authentication are not considered valid and give this response. 



    Authentication credentials were missing or incorrect. 



    The request was refused, or access was denied. 


    Not Found 

    The URI requested is not valid or the resource requested, for example, a user, does not exist. 


    Not Acceptable 

    Returned by the Search API when a format that is not valid is specified in the request. 


    Too Many Requests

    The request cannot be served because the limit for the resources is exceeded. 


    Internal Server Error 


    The requested format is not supported by the requested method, or a runtime error has occurred. 

    The log files SystemOut.log, SystemError.log, and igc.log contain more information. 


    Bad Gateway

    The server encountered a temporary error and could not complete the request. Usually, this is a temporary problem.


    Service Unavailable 

    The server is up, but it is overloaded with requests. Try again later. 


    Testing REST API Commands with Postman

    Use Postman to test your API calls before implementing them.


    1. Download and install Postman.
    2. Obtain your API Client Key and Secret.
    3. For more details:

    Steps to Test REST API Commands

    1. Generate an API Key

    • Create the API Client Key and Secret in the UI. These credentials will be required in the next steps.

    2. Set Up OAuth 2.0 for Authorization

    • Open Postman and go to the Authorization tab.

    • In the TYPE dropdown, select OAuth 2.0.

    • Click Get New Access Token, then complete the following fields in the window:

      • Token Name: Any descriptive name.
      • Grant Type: Select Client Credentials.
      • Access Token URL: Enter the <Authentication Server URL>.
      • Client ID: Enter your API Client Key.
      • Client Secret: Enter your API Client Secret.
      • Scope: Leave blank unless specified.
      • Client Authentication: Keep the default setting.
    • Click Request Token to generate an Access Token. Copy the token for later use.

    • Important: Repeat this step to generate a new token when it expires (using the same Key and Secret).

    3. Use the Access Token in REST API Calls

    • If the Use Token button is enabled, click it to apply the token to subsequent calls.
    • If not, manually add the token to the header:
      1. Go to the Headers tab in Postman.
      2. Add a key Authorization and value Bearer [Access Token] (ensure a space after "Bearer").

    4. Refer to API Documentation

    • In the UI, navigate to API > API Documentation > API Reference v2.0.
    • Select the desired REST API call for querying Account, Site, Device, Channel, Stream, or Sample data.

    5. Prepare API Calls in Postman

    • Copy the relevant URL from the API Documentation.
    • Replace placeholders (e.g., device ID, serial number, account ID) with actual values.
    • Choose the correct HTTP method (e.g., GET, POST) as specified in the documentation.

    6. Submit the Request

    • Enter the URL in Postman and click Send.
    • View the server's response in the Body tab on the right panel.


    Example of a Common API Request

    How can I retrieve data sampling for a specific stream of a device from the last 4 hours?
    Use the API to fetch sample aggregation for a specific stream and date range.


    1. Locate the API Method:

      • Open the API Documentation in the UI.
      • Refer to the API METHODS – SAMPLE section.
      • Use the API method:
    2. Build the API Command:

      • Base URL: https://<your API domain>/v2.0/stream/{streamId}/sample/agg?timeFrame=&fromDate=&toDate=
    3. Gather Required Values:

      • streamId: Identify the stream ID from the Unique Identification table. For example: 123456.
      • fromDate/toDate: Use Epoch Unix format for the desired time range.
        • Example:
          • fromDate for 2021-09-27T06:00:00Z: 1630983600.
          • toDate for 2021-09-27T10:00:00Z: 1630998000.
      • timeFrame: The number of hours to aggregate. Example: 4.
    4. Complete Example API Command:

    This command fetches aggregated samples from stream 123456 for the specified 4-hour period.

    2.   Test the command in Postman. The output might be: 


    "stream_id": 123456, 

    "start_date": "2021-09-27T06:00:00Z", 

    "number_of_samples": 53, 

    "agg_values": { 

    "min": "0.384000", 

    "max": "0.385500", 

    "avg": "0.384321", 

    "sum": "20.369000" 


    "stream_id": 123456, 

    "start_date": "2021-09-27T07:00:00Z", 

    "number_of_samples": 3, 

    "agg_values": { 

    "min": "0.384300", 

    "max": "0.384500", 

    "avg": "0.384400", 

    "sum": "1.153200" 


    "stream_id": 123456, 

    "start_date": "2021-09-27T09:00:00Z", 

    "number_of_samples": 28, 

    "agg_values": { 

    "min": "0.384400", 

    "max": "0.981300", 

    "avg": "0.809361", 

    "sum": "22.662100" 


    "stream_id": 123456, 

    "start_date": "2021-09-27T10:00:00Z", 

    "number_of_samples": 60, 

    "agg_values": { 

    "min": "0.978500", 

    "max": "0.980600", 

    "avg": "0.978837", 

    "sum": "58.730200" 
