Ayyeka Blog

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Critical infrastructure

Where will the next generation of water professionals come from?

1 min read

The silver tsunami is sinking the water industry

The silver tsunami is upon us. A huge wave of baby boomers are now hitting retirement age and leaving the workforce. This mass exodus of experienced...

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1 min read

Cybersecurity for Critical Infrastructure: A Vision

Cybersecurity for critical infrastructure starts with a vision. On In the Cloud, host Daniel Litwin discussed the topic with Yair Poleg, CTO and...

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2 min read

What is Ayyeka's Commitment to Sustainable Environmental Goals?

Ayyeka's commitment to positive environmental impact is more than a "check the box" exercise. Following a careful analysis of the intersection...

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1 min read

Why Should I Care About Digitalization of Infrastructure?

Hard infrastructure is a fundamental component in the delivery of public services, and it is in the process of a digital revolution. It's hard enough...

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Ayyeka discussing the IIJA bill for digitization of critical infrastructure

1 min read

$1.2 Trillion Earmarked For US Infrastructure: Digitization Overlooked

While populist slogans chant to "Build Back Better," infrastructure professionals wonder if bigger is necessarily better. The IIJA pays scant...

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